CoralReefMESManufacturing Execution System

CoralReef MES; is basically a monitoring and productivity system called MES system (Manufacturing Execution System), which monitors the entire processes, starting from the raw-material entry up to the shipment of the products to the customer and which provides the management of resources. The CoralReef MES system takes part within the MES Product Survey researches done by CGI. It is one of the leading brands among the two companies in Turkey.

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ManageMindBPMBusiness Process Management

ManageMind BPM; is a “Strategy and Quality Management System”, where by the organizational culture of the facilities are able to be generated and the strategic decisions are managed, the process maps are monitored and after these are drawn, the quality documentation is prepared and managed and the key performance indicators (KPI) are monitored and particularly the ability of preparation and reporting of the company forms by the users self.

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IMTMTMigration Tool

It is an ERP integration media that provides you to transfer the data in the ERP database to another database and also to transfer other records generated within other software (ERP, CRM, …etc.) or in Excel format into the ERP system. It is also possible to provide a modular integration with IMT. It is possible to provide an automatic transfer in certain periods defined by the task timer or manual transfer of records whatsoever wanted.

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ApisCovenDFDemand Forecasting

It is a system which enables to organize and analyze the currently available data in the form of providing the possibility of forecasting the sales in the future. Its greatest advantage compared to other forecasting programs is reaching much elaborative results by using myriad methods and performing failure analysis via these methods. The purchasing transactions are being finished efficiently via demand forecast. The efficient use of resources provides the decrease the costs as well.

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Industry 4.0

Digital Transformation: It will be incarnated by the real-time and continuous mutual communication of the entire steps of the value chain.Connected ecosystems in which products communicate with each other and with production systems throughout their lifecycles will replace traditional value chains.

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Industry 4.0
Digital Transformation
Digital Transformation

What is Digital Transformation? Digital Transformation is a not a technological Transformation instead, it is the Transformation of the way, any work done and is customer focused.

It is the integrated technological Transformation in the area of human, work processes and technology in purpose of meeting changing requirements, the much effective management of organizations, much efficient service and enhancement of customer satisfaction level.

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Green Industry

We as “İletişim Yazılım” do support the deployment of green industry which is environment friendly and possesses a much greener production and to leave a much beautiful world for next generations.

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Green Industry