Green Industry

For many years, many of the strategies of economic development and growth have promoted the rapid depletion of physical, human and material capital at the expense of natural depletion, ignoring natural resources and ecosystem balance.

This consumption of natural resources affects the future generations to a great extent, but also has harmful effects on the present generations. Green industry aims to reduce negative environmental impacts in production, increase social and economic benefits and combat water scarcity. With this approach, enterprises will be able to produce the same productions with less resources, energy and materials.

When it comes to industrialization, the first thing that comes to mind is to produce, that is, to consume resources. Raw materials obtained from natural sources are mostly used as inputs in the industry. Together with the green industry, it is aimed to benefit from some intermediate products and wastes recovered after consumption. In short, the green industry is to produce by minimizing the negative environmental impacts of production.

We, as İletişim Yazılım, support the spread of green industry for environmentally friendly and greener production in order to leave a better world for future generations. With the ’ENVIRONMENT’ ’module, which will be offered free of charge to customers who use our production software in the second half of 2020, we can collect very specific data from production in real time and submit special environmental consumption reports. Thus, while increasing the sensitivity of the production companies we serve, we ensure that they manage the improvement studies by reporting how much their environmental improvement works contribute to environmental production every year.  

Reports that can be obtained from ’ENVIRONMENT’ ’module

By using the maintenance module regularly, the malfunction of the machines can be reduced. Scrap formation can be reduced on machines that are regularly serviced. At the same time, use of chemicals used for maintenance is reduced.

Optimization can be made by reporting the amount of annual waste. For example, a company that cuts sheet metal can use optimization to minimize the loss of waste after sheet metal cutting.

Some materials used as raw materials may need to be consumed quickly. At the same time, there may be deterioration in the structure of the material. In order to reduce it, consumption can be adjusted according to FIFO and FEFO.Paper consumption can be reduced by receiving reports, production orders, scrap and waste quantities through the system.

With the use of MRP / MPS module, surplus product intake can be reduced. In this way, material losses can be prevented.Shipment planning, starting from nearby cities, reduces fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions due to fuel consumption.