ManageMindBPMBusiness Process Management

ManageMind BPM; is a “Strategy and Quality Management System”, where by the organizational culture of the facilities are able to be generated and the strategic decisions are managed, the process maps are monitored and after these are drawn, the quality documentation is prepared and managed and the key performance indicators (KPI) are monitored and particularly the ability of preparation and reporting of the company forms by the users self.

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Single - Center Management Single - Center Management Single - Center Management
Single - Center Management

By adopting the concept of quality, you can provide document management, process management, KPI management and quality management from a single center in the case of organizational culture.

System Properties
  • ● Integration with all ERP systems
  • ● Unlimited forms support,
  • ● Dashboard / Reporting,
  • ● Consolidated analysis,
  • ● Outlook integration (Mail & Calendar)
  • ● LDAP integration,
  • ● Information via mail / SMS infrastructure,
  • ● Data transfer from Excel.
System Properties System Properties
Operating Systematic Operating Systematic Operating Systematic
Operating Systematic

In ManageMind BPM, the process begins with the design of the form prepared by the user. The report and dashboard etc. editing can be designed separately just after the design is formed and the process is designed and data entries are made.

Productivity in Business Process

This product, developed with flexible architecture, aims to create a paperless office. You can manage all your processes, monitor your key performance indicators and extract all the reports you need via the system with unlimited form support.

Productivity in Business Process
Operating[br] Systematic With the design of the forms,you can start the process , prepare the business process, and revise the forms, After this process you can take report from the system for analysis.
  • Form Design,
  • Process Design,
  • Data entries,
  • Reporting and Analyses
Process Management
Process Management It is the Module which processes are designed and analyzed.
  • Design all your processes,
  • Identify process bottlenecks,
  • Track the approval stages,
  • Track the KPIs of your processes,
  • Work integrated with the ERP system,
  • Be informed by mail / SMS infrastructure in case of inconformities.
Quality Management
Quality Management İt is the Module which ISO Quality standards are managed
  • Follow up the requirements of quality standards,
  • Follow up the quality system requirements such as ISO 9001, ISO 27001, IATF 16969, AS9100,
  • Observe non-conformance actions, FMEA, PPAP processes,
  • Manage your corporate memory (acquired knowledge),
  • Perform risk management,
  • Follow up all steps required by quality standards, such as relevant party analysis.
Document Management
Document Management It is the module which all documents are managed in the company.
  • Manage your documents from a single center,
  • Follow up the revision of your documents,
  • Follow up the publication, reproduction and controlled copy processes of the documents and archive them electronically.
Company Portal
Company Portal It is the module which all company policy is managed through one platform.
  • Share your company's mission, vision, quality policy, customer policy and values ​​with your employees,
  • Follow the organizational chart and job descriptions,
  • Monitor documents with validity dates, such as quality documents, customer documents, and create alarm points,
  • Post administrator messages,
  • Manage all your documents such as newsletter publication on a single platform.
Recommendations Management
Recommendations Management It is the module which all suggestions are evaluated through the system and the suggestion performance is managed.
  • Gather the employee recommendations in one center,
  • Make special / person based suggestions,
  • Evaluate suggestions through the system,
  • Monitor suggestion performance.
Survey Management
Survey Management It is the module which the surveys of customer and in-house team are managed and the results are analyzed.
  • Define all your surveys in the system and do their entries,
  • Open surveys to your external stakeholders such as customers and suppliers,
  • Analyze survey results.
Human Resources Management
Human Resources Management It is the module which all processes of human resources are followed.
  • Keep track of personnel registration information,
  • Monitor personnel polivalence,
  • Monitor personnel performances,
  • Manage the orientation process,
  • Create training plans,
  • Manage training processes,
  • Make exams related to education,
  • Manage overtime processes,
  • Organize service planning,
  • Manage permission processes,
  • Perform PDKS integration,
  • Monitor staff circulation rates.
Meeting and Action Management
Meeting and Action Management It is the module that meetings are planned and meeting actions are managed.
  • Plan your meetings and manage meeting action plans,
  • Manage actions assigned by managers or assigned from processes,
  • Analyze action performances in detail.
Project R/D Management
Project R/D Management It is a module which all projects are followed and managed from one system.
  • Manage projects,
  • Integrate with PDKS system and monitor personnel,
  • Monitor project activities,
  • Assign project assignments,
  • Monitor the documents related to the project,
  • Get project performance reports,
  • Monitor of project profitability rates
Asset Management
Asset Management It is the module where all assets are monitored.
  • Monitor your assets,
  • Barcode and label your assets,
  • Monitor the inventories of assets,
  • Monitor the trading processes of assets,
  • Trace the debit of assets.
Device Calibration Management
Device Calibration Management It is the module which all devices are barcoded and the calibration times are followed.
  • Identify and barcode devices,
  • Monitor your devices' calibration times and generate alarms.
CRM and Customer Relations Management
CRM and Customer Relations Management It is the module which all sales and marketing processes are followed.
  • Monitor the company and related persons,
  • Follow up opportunities, offers, contracts,
  • Monitor sales team activities,
  • Make campaign tracking,
  • Observe marketing budgets,
  • Follow sales documents on a single platform,
  • Manage documents such as product price lists, technical documents, presentations via the portal,
  • Get your sales team KPIs (key performance indicators) in detail from the system.
Purchasing Management
Purchasing Management It is the module which all purchasing processes are managed.
  • Let the system enter the purchase requests for you,
  • Follow the purchasing process and approval stages,
  • Integrate the entered information into ERP,
  • Perform expense management,
  • Monitor supplier performances.
Supplier Portal
Supplier Portal It is the module which supplier information is followed over one portal.
  • Monitor supplier information through a single portal,
  • Define a user to your suppliers so that they can see their own information and enter data,
  • Your suppliers can see the 8Ds you have opened for suppliers and make action plans,
  • Your suppliers can enter suggestions,
  • Your suppliers can add quality certificates and documents to the system
Other Form Samples
Other Form Samples Other example forms that you can take from the ManageMind system or that you can design extra.
  • Ticket Tracking,
  • Personnel Expense Analysis,
  • Visitor Registration Tracking,
  • Income-Expenditure Budgets ERP Integration



You can analyze your KPIs in detail with dashboard and reporting tools.



ManageMind BPM
MM Çalışma Sistematiği İçerik eklenecektir.

ManageMind BPM; işletmelerin örgüt kültürü oluşturabildiği ve stratejik kararların yönetilebildiği, süreç haritasının çizilerek süreç takibinin yapılabildiği, kalite dokümantasyonunu yapabildiği ve yönetebildiği, ve anahtar performans göstergelerinin (KPI) izlenebildiği, en önemlisi de şirkette bulunan tüm formların kullanıcılar tarafından tasarlanıp, raporlanabildiği bir “Strateji ve Kalite Yönetim Sistemi”dir.