R.B.S Spare Parts & Machinery; monitors its production process with CoralReef

r.b.s spare parts & machinery; monitors its production process with coralreef

R.B.S. Spare Parts and Machinery which was founded in 1987 continues its current activities in its modern facility of 6500m2 moved in 1993. With a total of 125 employees, R.B.S.the main export markets of Spare Parts and Machinery are European countries and Russia. R.B.S. Spare Parts and Machinery aims to provide the highest customer satisfaction in the market and to develop continuously, which is certified with ISO 9001: 2008, ISO 16949: 2002, and ISO 14001: 2004 certificates.

Projects’ Objective

Production management systems, a holistic infrastructure that will enable production companies to maintain their position in the global market and increase their competitiveness, ensure traceability of production, reduce product costs and improve product / production quality.

Why did you prefer İletişim Yazılım?

Determining the production stops and taking measures; we chose CoralReef for the simultaneous collection and control of the physical and production flow of the production in the factory. Before the project was put into practice, it took us a lot of time to open up production orders. Also, it was very laborious to make the production entries. Due to barcode-less production, employees were able to make mistakes when entering data. All these factors were the factors that played a role in our selection of the project.

Project results & assessment

-Too much time was spent for production follow-up before the project. With the implementation of the project; Increasing durations from decreasing follow-up times began to be allocated to processes that increase productivity in production.

- With the increase in the time allocated to efficiency-enhancing processes, we have become a more efficient company.

- Since the information was taken from the field in real time, production started to be followed instantly.

- In the packaging section, a barcode label was printed on each package produced and transfer operations started by hand terminal.

- The product information produced by hand terminals started to be received in real time.

- The wastes were collected more effectively from the field.

- Traceability is provided by tracking on lot basis.

Financial and Administrative Affairs Manager Mehmet Esen