CNK Aviation Production Site Follow-up CoralReef

cnk aviation production site follow-up coralreef


As CNK Aviation, we aim to be a center that produces positive results for our stakeholders in all of our processes, constantly improves its processes and educates people for our country's industry. CNK Aviation was founded in 2004 to develop Post-Processor software used in multi-axis machining technologies. Subsequently, in 2007, the company expanded its field of activity and entered the manufacturing sector by acquiring the ability to process complex, precision parts for AB139 / Boeing 737 and A320 aircraft. In line with its growing market needs, CNK has made progress in investing in equipment and human resources in line with its strategic planning. CNK Aviation is a JSF industry company approved by the Turkish and American government.To produce high-tech, you need a high-tech production site and effective management

Starting from the fact that speed and quality is the most important weapon of today's national and international competition world, we have a structure that produces fast and high quality solutions in all our operations and grows rapidly and develops accordingly. We have been producing high technology since 2007. Another component of high technology production; high-tech equipment, equipment, machinery and measuring tools, we know that they track. We make our investments in this direction. At this point, we started to use CoralReef Production Management and Audit System to ensure traceability of our production and to utilize this information in business development process as decision support information. Before the project, it took a lot of time to analyze and report the information collected from production in paper and excel environment. In order for us to follow the production in the field instantly, we could even have to be present in the field. Since we could not get real and instant data, we were too late to carry out activities to increase production efficiency. These factors and the provision of traceability on paper revealed that we need a production tracking management system. With CoralReef;

- Instant traceability of production on the field,

-Following the product tracking on the basis of lot and series,

- Preparing work order and production plan on the system by preparing instructions on the basis of operation,

-Shipment and transfer between warehouses was done by scanning barcodes. Thus, minimizing user error,

-The order-related production order is opened and the traceability of the productions connected to the order can be monitored over the system,

-Filling status of workstations can be monitored with machine programming,

- Analysis of the stops and obtaining the decision support information during the necessary improvements,

-Performance of stock status with full integration with ERP program,

- Receiving production reports on the basis of machine, shift and date based on the actual data in the field, - Stock surface quality on the basis of receipt, quality of defective stock, etc. We have ensured that the controls are recorded. CNK Aviation General Manager Melih Han Bilgin